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Components of a Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) as it relates to Emergency Operations Plans (EOP) and COOP

August 4, 2012

Chris Grollnek of McKinney Texas serves law offices and small business HR departments with workplace violence safety training and policy implementation. These services include consulting in active shooter training and risk mitigation before, during, or after a critical incident. Can you answer the following question: What would you do to if you had information of a violent situation occurring in real time right now? Are you prepared to contact each employee and what would they do? Is there a media relations team or templatee to mitigate mis-information? Family management or a notification system for employees? Keep following this site for information and seminar dates and feel free to contact us for personal consultations.

In this blog post, CGPGMG, LLC provides a couple factors to be aware of relating to emergency management from a small business perspective. Follow us on Twitter @ChrisGrollnek

The components of the Continuity of Operations are vital to understanding BEFORE responding to an incident, during the incident, and after the incident is completed or past… The COOP is set up at separate levels between states, counties, and cities returning all the way back to the national level ensuring that essential functions can continue in the event of a critical incident or natural disaster (man made or not). This must encompass a broad approach for emergencies and the like.

Key components of a plan should include:

Essential Functions: Establishing which functions must exist is important to have a starting point not just for the planning stage but for the execution during an event.
Orders of Succession: Chain of Command during an event and who has authority for decisions if the natural person to be in charge is not…
Delegation of Authority: This is important to ensure who has the authority to be in charge of what function and when that authority ceases to exist.
Continuity Facilities: Alternate locations to operate out of for command and control assuming the primary headquarters or sub stations of control are unavailable – otherwise, a plan “B” location
Continuity Communications: Same as location but a back up communications system secure enough to operate in MORE than adverse circumstances.
Vital Records Management: Securing location during an event and being able to access information if needed for a duration of time
Human Capital: The responders and support personnel for the locations under siege… Families of these people need to be considered as well all though not typically thought of from a governments perspective… Who evacuates the families of the people doing the evacuating and assisting?
Tests, Training, and Exercises: Nothing more than training for every possible event to ensure readiness.
Development of Control and Detection: Mainly having the ability and practice to transfer authority to alternate agencies and back and forth should the situation go beyond a reasonable amount of time…
Reconstruction: Rebuilding what was affected…

The two most important for small businesses to focus on are:

1. Establishing the essential functions during an emergency – an example on a smaller scale would be during the first two to three hours of a homicide investigation, no one in an agency initiates activity alternate investigations outside of the primary investigation zone. That way the agency is available to respond and assist the homicide team should they need something or teams of support. In other words, don’t get tied up on petty things when major things are happening and understanding the difference is key.

2. Test, Training, and Exercising – the day of an event would NOT be the best time to test a plan to see if works or try and train people for something they were not remotely prepared for. Test and training usually uncovers the “bugs” within the plans.

Contact us at chris@chrisgrollnek.com for examples and assistance in creating a workplace violence plan and/or policy.

Thank you for reading,


authorized by the retired Chris Grollnek

<strong><a href=”http://www.countermeasureconsulting.com”>Leading Active Shooter Prevention Consultant for non police and patrons</a></strong>

The information and forward thinning to address counter terrorism and active shooter scenarios has been part of my mental composition for over two decades. We are one of the most committed companies in keeping your employees and guests safe in all America. Having been involved in three actual live fire and real time active shooter events (two as a police officer and one as a bystander with my family present while on vacation in Florida) this team of experts puts experience into action teaching self preservation methods and prevention strategies few comprehend without the actual experience of being shot at. This translates to reduced risk and mitigated liability for your company and corporate strategy. Contact us anytime for a free consultation and let us help you be the prepared business should an event occur but more importantly, teach you and your employees how to reduce the risk exponentially through policy implementation and sound principles.